Results before / after scars

On this page we offer photographs. The goal is for you to have artwork related to scar concealment.

It is important and useful to us that you can get a concrete idea of the results that can be achieved our NHT centre.

It is also important to tell you that each result depends on the quality of the scar, its degree of fibrosis, the expectations, and the anatomy of each patient.

At our NHT centre, hair implants on scar tissue are one of the most frequently performed procedures.

This innovative technique will allow stem cells to be injected into the area to be treated and thus recreate healthy tissue, which is more conducive to hair regrowth.

Scars can occur for very different reasons. After an accident or an operation, they sometimes remain large and visible. The same goes for burns, or scars that situated all over the head.

An implantation of your own hair covers the scars and allows you to regain your well-being.

To improve the fibrous tissue and soften your scar, you should first perform a nano fat graft.

This intervention is very often used in cosmetic surgery (on the face for example). It consists in taking fat under local anaesthesia from a roll of body fat and reinjecting it in the scar tissue after centrifugation and succession of increasingly fine filtration.

Most of the time, hair transplantation on a scar must be preceded by an injection of fat (nanofat grafting) to improve tissue quality; with this condition most scars can be treated, and their visibility reduced.
