Food supplements


Food supplements in Avignon France

Food supplements


After a hair transplant, it is not essential to take food supplements to strengthen the transplanted hair. However, dietary supplements can help improve the result. Also, some of them containing sulphur amino acids or trace elements in tablets can be useful for 1 to 3 months to maintain the hair still present on the top of the head.

In this section, we invite you to learn more about dietary supplements and the general importance of eating well for healthy hair.

In our NHT Europe clinic, located in Avignon, France, we offer our patients the opportunity to take a DNA test. This possibility of studying your genome allows us to learn about your general state of health and therefore your deficiencies. As a function, we will be able to offer you effective food supplements from which you will not suffer side effects.

By browsing this page, you will obtain information on the importance of a good diet (with or without hair transplant), on our DNA sampling as well as on food supplements.

How does good nutrition affect the hair?

"We are what we eat", this sentence is now known to all.

And for good reason… each food has an impact on new hair follicles. By carefully selecting foods that are useful for hair growth, you give yourself the opportunity to improve cell regeneration. It also helps to reduce the post-operative recovery period.

Deficiencies in minerals, proteins, fatty acids or even vitamins can therefore lead to drier, more oily, less dense, less shiny, dull hair, or hair loss (by disruption of the hair's normal life cycle).

You will see that it is imperative to eat well in order to have healthy hair.

On the other hand, while these concepts are important, supplementation alone will not address the situation and must be integrated into a patient-specific treatment plan.

How to eat well after a hair transplant?

After a hair transplant at our NHT Europe centre, it is important to have a good diet.

Here, we offer you a list of things to include as often as possible in your meals:

Vitamin A: essential for cell renewal, it is responsible for the production of sebum to hydrate the scalp. It is found in carrots, spinach, cabbage, sweet potatoes, beef liver and pumpkins.

Vitamin B: this vitamin has an important impact on the growth of the hair, its structure, and its quality. It is found in red meat, chicken, avocado, eggs and even bananas.

Vitamin C and E: antioxidants having an important role in the production of collagen and therefore in healing. This vitamin also helps fight against hair aging and hair loss. Vitamin C is found in peppers, cabbage, broccoli, citrus fruits and even kiwi fruit, and Vitamin E in spinach, olive oil, avocados, and almonds.

Vitamin H or Vitamin B7: it is a water-soluble vitamin that is poorly synthesized by the body; in fact, some intestinal bacteria produce it; most must be provided by food, but being water soluble, it disappears if the food is washed or cooked. It is present in many foods.

It participates in the development of many metabolic processes, cell division, and energy production from carbohydrates and fats.

Regarding the hair, it participates in the formation of keratin which ensures the strength of the hair and nails.

The recommended daily dose is around 50 µg per day.

However, some micro-nutrition experts recommend higher dosages of around 2000 to 5000 µg per day.

Vitamin D, which many of us lack and which should at best be remedied by daily doses.

Many laboratories market it.

Iron: When lacking iron, the body is less able to transport oxygen and nutritional elements to the scalp. Iron is also the source of a healthy immune system, which is essential for reducing the period of postoperative recovery. It is contained in spinach, beef, beans, oysters, and spirulina.

Zinc: Zinc deficiency accelerates hair loss and is the cause of thinning scalps. Zinc has an important impact on epidermal (skin) repair, hormonal balance, protein synthesis and vitamin absorption. Fish, lamb, spinach, eggs, shrimp or even chickpeas are rich in Zinc.

A DNA test to target your deficiencies

The DNA test that we offer is a recent technical innovation that makes it possible to diagnose a deficiency and locate the dysfunction of a gene. This test, in addition to having a better understanding of your alopecia, allows us to know your general state of health (your deficiencies in particular) and thus to offer you an effective treatment, taking into account the possible side effects, and the most suited to your health.

The genome test, interpreted by independent specialists, gives us valuable information on the effectiveness of treatments. Your genes tell you which medications will or will not work, what side effects might develop as a result of treatment.

Our specialists at NHT Europe will provide you with contraindications related to your state of health and the daily constraints that can be avoided by adapting solutions against baldness.

Whether you are a man or a woman, the genome test is an innovation that allows adaptability of treatments and offers our specialists the opportunity to offer you a unique solution, food supplements and appropriate treatment while respecting your health condition and thus preventing any risk.

In summary, nutrition is essential for grafted hair to grow and develop in the best possible condition. The growth and strengthening of the hair depend directly on what you put on your plate.

In addition, thanks to DNA sampling, the specialists at our NHT Europe clinic are able to offer you the best treatment while bypassing the therapeutic risk which was until now inherent in any treatment for hair loss. You will be able to know which medication is of interest in your case, which food supplement you need, according to your deficiencies.
